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Create your own Adventure!

Do you want to create an adventure for your friends?


You can submit your project so it will be added to the App!


Download the material and follow the instructions!

How to create adventure:

1) Choose the setting

You have to decide where the players will live the adventure.


For example a castle, an abandoned temple or a spaceship in a mysterious planet ...

2) Think about the sequence of puzzles

You can represent a diagram of the puzzles that players will have to solve, so it will be easier to create the cards.

3) Create cards

Using the document "Unlock! Pnp Cards "lists the items that players will find during the adventure.

Blue: used to "open" (keys)

Red:  "closed" objects (door)
Grey: "neutral" objects (opened objects, rooms)

Yellow: unlocked through the App (with 4-digit codes)
Green: special machines, they provide a RED number to combine with a blue card

Establish clearly WHERE objects are found and WHEN they must be discarded!

4) Assign the numbers to the cards

There are only three things to keep in mind:

- Cards MUST have a number (between 1 and 99) or a letter
- There can NEVER be cards with the same number
- The sum of a BLUE card and a RED card MUST give the solution card number (key + door = room)

5) Set the codes for the App

YELLOW cards are resolved through a 4 NUMBER code that must be entered in the App.


Each code must correspond to a text ("Exactly, turn card 5!"); enter everything in the table.


The table is in the document "Unlock! Pnp Cards ".

6) Send the project

Collect all the documents in a .zip file and send it to

They must be present:


- Adventure info (TXT): contains Title, Introduction, adventure duration and author name
- Adventure logo (PNG): the adventure logo

- Impaginata Adventure (PDF): paginated for front and back printing of all cards

- Unlock! Pnp Cards (XLSX): contains the codes for the application and the card numbers

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